Don’t Be Fooled by Cheap Mouthpieces for Football
Football is an exciting sport and if your young athlete has been chosen for the team, you’re probably pretty excited about it. If you haven’t already, you’re about to spend a great deal on protective gear as football is one of the highest-impact sports there is. You may feel like you can skimp on some parts of the gear to save some money. You might be tempted to look for cheap football mouthpieces since that’s probably not the first thing you think of when you think about football injuries.
Game On has the first football mouthguards that are accepted by the American Dental Association (ADA). Unlike cheap football mouthpieces, our mouthguards are of the best quality while still being very affordable. Game On football mouthpieces are of the highest quality on the market, regardless of price. Consider whether you actually want to purchase a cheap mouthpiece for football or the best quality you can buy.
The most important quality of a football mouthpiece is that it is protective. Consider the types of damage that can happen to your athlete when they are playing football if they don’t have a mouthguard in. The first thing that comes to mind is probably a lost tooth. This can be painful for your youth, even if it’s a baby tooth that they have lost. But if it’s a permanent tooth, it’s not only incredibly painful but can be expensive to repair—a lot more expensive than a Game On mouthguard for football.
Other potential injuries include having a tooth jammed up into the gums, sustaining an injury to the soft tissue of the mouth if the face is hit and the teeth are mashed against your player’s cheeks and lips, and damage to any orthodontic equipment that may be in their mouth at the time.
Cheap football mouthpieces do not have the same protective qualities as the Game On mouthguards do. For one thing, cheap mouthpieces for football are not likely to be made to work for athletes with braces. Game On football mouthguards, on the other hand, were designed to work for people with or without braces. There are even special instructions with each mouthguard on how to fit it to a mouth with braces.
Another thing cheap football mouthpieces may not have is the ability to mold to your athlete’s unique bite. Our mouthguards are moldable to each player’s bite, and what’s more, they can be remolded if your youth’s bite changes. This is especially appreciated by young athletes who wear braces, as they don’t need to buy and mold a new mouthguard each time their teeth shift.
Strength is another quality of an excellent football mouthguard. Game On football mouthguards are made of our patented Vistmaxx material, which is strong enough to protect your youth’s teeth and mouth while still being soft and flexible enough to allow them to speak clearly, breath freely, and rehydrate while wearing the guard. Cheap football mouthpieces are easy to bite through, but the affordable Game On mouthpiece is tough enough to stand up to a football player’s activity.
Finally, cheap mouthguards probably aren’t as fun as Game On mouthguards. You can order your youth’s Game On mouthguard in your choice of 14 different colors and have them personalized with your player’s name, jersey number, or team name. We even offer bulk pricing for team managers who order matching mouthguards for the whole team.
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Game On football mouthguards are easy to fit, easy to care for, and comfortable to wear. They don’t absorb saliva, water, or bacteria, which makes them easy to keep clean. Order the best affordable football mouthguard online today and feel confident in your player’s safety on the field!
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Ultimate performance requires ultimate protection!
Get your Game On mouthguard today and level up.