Protecting Your Youth Lacrosse Player
The Game On Advantage
Author: Dr. Monroe Elkin, BS PHARM., DMD
Risk of Injury to Lacrosse Players
Lacrosse is an exciting game with a rich history that reaches back to America’s Native American roots. High school lacrosse players wear plenty of protective gear, and the U.S. Lacrosse Sports Science and Safety Committee recommends that all high school players (and adult players) should wear mouthguards like the Game On lacrosse mouthguard as part of their safety equipment.
Your athlete is sixty times more likely to sustain a dental or facial injury when not wearing a mouthguard, and sports accidents account for up to 39% of all dental injuries in children. That makes a mouthguard a must for your lacrosse player. Their team should require mouthguards, but if they don’t, it’s a good decision to insist that your youth wear one anyway. Our mouthguards provide superior protection at a price any athlete’s parents can afford. The Game On lacrosse mouthguard is top of the line in comfort, style, and most importantly, protection. It should be added to the pads, cleats, gloves, and helmets all meant to keep your child safe during their lacrosse practices and games.
Why should my youth lacrosse player wear a mouthguard?
As a parent, you are most likely aware of the types of injuries that your child could sustain as a lacrosse player. If your student is not required to wear a helmet, they are even more likely to experience a head or facial injury. While strains and sprains are the most common injury in lacrosse, head and face injuries come in as the second most common.
Getting hit with the ball in the face is one way dental injuries can occur. Another is getting hit by another player’s stick or elbow during vigorous play. More than just tooth injuries can happen when your player gets hit in the face. Their lips, gums, cheeks, and tongue can suffer from painful lacerations due to accidental contact. Having your student athlete wear a Game On mouthguard can help mitigate your concerns about the types of accidents they could have.
What is the best lacrosse mouthguard?
The U.S. Lacrosse Sports Science and Safety Committee and other lacrosse experts agree that the best lacrosse mouthguard is one that is custom-fit to your player’s teeth. While there are basic mouthguards available over the counter that are bulky and uncomfortable, they may possibly obstruct your player’s airway. These are not the type of lacrosse mouthguards recommended for youth.
The Game On lacrosse mouthguard, on the other hand, is one that your player can custom-fit to their teeth as soon as they receive it. If the original mouthguard is too large or small, directions are included on how to fix it so that a proper fit is achieved. It only takes a couple of minutes for your player to mold the mouthguard to their teeth, and then they’re ready to play.
Our lacrosse mouthguards were designed with the help of dental professionals who care about not only your player’s safety, but their comfort as well. They’re made of our patented VistaMaxx material, which is thin enough to wear comfortably, yet strong enough to provide exceptional protection against dental injuries. Ours are the first mouthguards accepted by the American Dental Association, so you can have confidence that your youth has protection from painful dental harm. And because it is so comfortable that your athlete can speak clearly and even drink water while wearing it, you can be sure that they will wear it throughout the whole game or practice without putting themselves in danger.
Our lacrosse mouthguards are also perfect for players who wear traditional metal braces. You may worry about finding a good mouthguard for your athlete if they wear braces, but the Game On mouthguard can mold to your youth’s braces as easily as it can mold to their teeth alone. As your child’s teeth move, they can remold the mouthguard as many times as they need until the braces come off.
Another attractive feature of the Game On lacrosse mouthguard is the fact that they are available in an array of colors. Your youth should be able to find a mouthguard in their favorite color or their team color. In addition, their name, number, or team logo can be printed onto the mouthguard. If you’re the manager of your athlete’s team, you could order matching mouthguards for the entire team so they really are a part of their team uniform.
Where can I get a Game On lacrosse mouthguard?
Game On lacrosse mouthguards are the first ones accepted by the ADA. This shows their level of quality and effectiveness. They were developed especially for your athlete’s comfort, style, and protection. Whether your player has braces or not, the Game On mouthguard can help to protect their gums, lips, and teeth from excruciating cuts or gashes. See the difference Game On can make and order the best lacrosse mouthguard online today!